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Today in the news...
Movies and Music and Books...OH MY!
You Gotta Do, What You Gotta Do
Issues for the Insomniac
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Just the basics. Fow now. >.<

Myspace ridiculed by GHS administrators
By- Steve Meyers - 02/21/06
The popular site, used by teens and adults alike, all over the world, is currently being bashed and ridiclued by our schools Administration system, as well as receiving the blame for "lack of online safety".
The school seems to think, that because we post on sites like Myspace, that we'll be 'sexually solicited' or something of that sort. No. Its not because of sites like Myspace that online predators get thier fill, its because of irresponsible teenagers.
Numerous murders and rapes have been linked to Myspace, in an effort for parents to urge their kids, and possibly force them to delete their Myspaces.
The Myspace representitives were unavailable for comment.
More on Myspace to come later.

Myspace's Logo




Old news, big deal
By- Billy 3/3/06
       On February 23, 2006 in Denver, Colorado a 16-year-old boy was
arrested for apparently having rifles in his picture. The police were tipped off
after the teenagers high school principal told them about it. The principal told
the police that he was receiving many calls from concerned parents
about the picture.
       The picture itself shows the boy lying on a floor surrounded by nine
rifles. The picture also had a caption that read, “Angel o' death on
wings o' lead.”
       "The photos were very disturbing, and while the content was not a
direct threat, we just felt it was important for us to take appropriate
disciplinary action.” said the principal, who also stated that the boy
could be expelled for this.
       Evergreen High (the student’s high school) is in the same district as
Columbine High School, which back in 1999 was the victim of a shooting
by teenage boys who killed 12 other students and a teacher before
committing suicide.

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