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All hail, the Dark Goddess!

Start with Flannel Shirts and a pair of Doc Martins
Okay lets see… I’ve been around these parts for 18 years and 6 months and let me tell u that these feminist bitches who burned their bras have done nothing but fuck me over. Here I am in the year 2006, sitting here typing a bunch of bungle of bullshit for our readers and gee, I dunno… I’m a little sick of my life as a woman. Back in our societies early days, women were here to serve only a few purposes, ie. Have kids clean the house go to the store, cook for and feed the household. Alright, to most women after the wars, and having to work in factories, and upon seeing that they could do more, demanded to be allowed to do everything a man was expected to, whether it be work at a factory, construction, office work (well women could always be secretaries). Wonderful concept for them, have more than what u ur parents expected from u but like I said they totally fucked me over.

Let me take this a little further. Why is the divorce rate in the US so high? Hmm I can tell u Iwomen, are expected to work full time jobs, go to school, have a career, be married, have kids, and all of this is to be done with a bright shimmering miss A-fucking-merica smile on our over caked bronzed orange faces. All to fit this societies views on what a woman is supposed to be. where the fuck is me time? Well I can tell u, Taking care of the kids, working and going to school l so that I’m educated and don’t fit the profile of a 1930’s woman. Oh well we can all have fun in the latter years of our lives… WHEN IM LIKELY TO DROP DEAD OF LUNG CANCER BEFORE I EVER SEE A PENNY OF MY SOCIAL SECURITY. Which by the way I’m paying for it and if I want it, I should get it.

Though I seem to go a little off of the subject, my point is that feminists have not only destroyed women, they’ve destroyed men as well. Now men have to compete with the other half of the world so they can provide and survive. We live in the so called “land of the free” but are we really. Everything we do revolves around money. We want something, u have to have money to buy it.

My father died 8 month ago of pancreatic cancer. It was just like him. Quick, straight forward, to the point. “Look at me, I’m cancer, I’ve metabolized into every part of your decaying flesh and guess what I’m gunna kill you within the month.” Funny. It suited him well. What’s hilarious is that he died from a blood clot in his lung that had nothing to do with cancer, It was from laying in a hospital bed. But his death certificate says that he died of lung cancer. He didn’t fucking die from lung cancer! He fucking drowned in. his self. The pressure to provide for his family to be too much for him and took its toll on his body.

And where am I, hmm home. I don’t want to do anything with my life. I don’t want to go to college so that I can make more money for these fuckers to steal from me. I’m going so that I can learn what I want in a structured environment. And so ur thinking oh, yea but ur gunna major in something so ur gunna make money. No im going to major in philosophy. My Question for u is what kind of 9-5 job do u see me getting with that? So, I have no future plans to contribute to society. I’m going to get a loan that I wont have to pay back until 6 months after I graduate. Which by the way I have a full proof plan to stay in college till the day I die so that I wont ever have to pay that money back. Its all about reading the fine print kids. Take for example me: I get a BA in philosophy, 6 months after I grad I have to start paying on my loans. That is if I get a job and become a productive member of society. I think the best idea for myself is to go back to school for a BA in something else. Take out another loan and because I’m in school, will not have to pay off my original loan. Feminists wanted more for themselves and all women. They forgot about the girls who didn’t want anything at all. So now, I’m going to work the system to my liking, so that I never have to do or be anything, and I suggest to the readers to work the system to where it benefits u. Otherwise, midlife ull sit and wonder what happened to ur youth.


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